CIP/SIP System

Product Category: Pharmaceutical Process Preparation System

The fully automatic CIP system can make the cleaning by automatically controlling and recording the cleaning pressure, cleaning agent concentration and temperature, and automatically determine the cleaning endpoint; The fully automatic SIP system can control and record key parameters such as sterilization temperature and sterilization time throughout the entire process.


遵循 ASME BPE设计理念,保证系统无清洗死角;有良好的自洁功能,不会产生二次污染 根据客户需求,提供专业CIP清洗设计计算,保证最短的时间内达到清洗效果,节省时间 根据不同生产工艺,提供单罐、双罐、三罐等不同CIP系统,满足清洗需求
各项清洗参数、过程数据、报警记录均可自动存储,确保数据完整性,符合21CFR Part11电子记录/电子签名要求;系统稳定可靠

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